Digital Theological Library
The Digital Theological Library is a co-owned, born-digital library of religious and theological studies. The mission of the DTL 2 is to provide its co-owning institutions with the highest quality digital resources in religious and theological studies at the lowest possible costs.
Use of the DTL 2's leased and purchased information resources is restricted to the DTL 2's co-owning institutions. Co-ownership is restricted to nonprofit graduate schools in religious and theological institutions without regard for religious affiliation. The DTL 2 is an independently incorporated 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. The DTL 2 is governed by an executive committee elected by the co-owning institutions.
How to Use The Digital Theological Library 2
Information Literacy 101:
DTL passcode: 28844087
If you need a digitally available resource (particularly in religious studies), the DTL 2 probably can provide access to it. The instructions below will help you discover and retrieve the content that you need. If you need more assistance, please contact your institution’s library to inquire further.
Quick Search
Most DTL 2 content, including ebooks, articles, journals, and databases, can be found by using the main search box at the top of the page or the advanced search engine.
Finding More Information on a Specific Topic
If using the search bar does not provide enough resources for you, look through the A-Z list of databases. The brief database descriptions in this list will help you decide which databases are most likely to help you find the specific information that you are seeking. When you find a database of interest, simply click on the link and use the search engine within that database to discover the content you need.
To find general resources on a particular topic, peruse the DTL 2's cultivated subject guides.
Finding Journal Articles
Most major journals in religious studies are well indexed in these key databases:
A comprehensive search for all available articles requires searching several databases (see the A-Z list). You may also want to use the bibliographic references available in the DTL 2 (see below).
Building a Bibliography
The DTL 2’s A-Z list can also help you create a bibliography. The databases listed below do not provide access to the books and articles, but they will help you discover resources which you can then locate in the DTL 2’s collection.
Biblical Bibliography of Lausanne - BiBIL (multilingual collection)
BILDI (Documentation for Biblical Literature Innsbruck) (multilingual collection)
Finding a Particular Article with a Known Title and/or Author
If you already know the bibliographical information for an article, you can find the article using one of these approaches:
Search for the author or article title in the main search box at the top of the page or the advanced search engine. Many articles will appear using this method and the system will provide a direct link to the article. However, if you do not find what you are looking for, try the next approach.
Search for the journal title in the main search box at the top of the page or the advanced search engine. This approach will lead you to the journal’s home page, where you can retrieve the article from the journal’s website. If you do not find what you are looking for, try the final approach.
Go to the A-Z list of databases and search in the database(s) that are most likely to contain the article. If you do not find what you are looking for, contact your librarian for assistance.
Librarian Contact
The Digital Theological Library (DTL)
The Digital Theological Library (DTL) is a California-based non-profit corporation which operates five digital libraries in religious studies, including comprehensive research libraries in support of graduate education in theology and religious studies (Original DTL & DTL 2, a research library for religious professionals in North America who are not associated with an academic institution, a free Open Access Library (OADTL), and a research library for schools in developing nations (Global DTL).
DTL2 academic content includes:
over 480,000 eBooks
over 160 databases
over 21,000 journal titles
over 50,000,000 full‐text, peer‐reviewed, articles
over 11,000 hours of Counseling eVideos
over 30 subject guides
Core Values of the DTL2 - Although the DTL is non-confessional, the DTL board has affirmed the following core values:
Consistent truthfulness in all its interactions with its members and vendors
Treatment of all people as we would wish to be treated.
Respect for each school’s individual and unique mission
Regarding the stability and sustainability of the DTL
Commitment to co-ownership of the DTL and partnership for mutual advantage
The desire for service beyond the narrow confines of the DTL membership
Bible/Theology Subscriptions
African Theology Worldwide
WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and services. WorldCat libraries are dedicated to providing access to their resources on the Web, where most people start their search for information.
A registered personal account is a free account that enables you to access, cite, and return to JSTOR content. Your personal account may support your research in a variety of ways, depending on your role and affiliations, including:
Access to free, read-online content for participating publishers for all registered personal accounts. Additional content access and account admin permissions are available for individuals who manage JSTOR for subscribing institutions, such as librarians. The option for faculty, students, and staff to connect your account to the institution's subscription for matching access remotely if you are affiliated with a subscribing school, university, or library.
The Logos Bible Study app contains a powerful Bible study and sermon prep platform that allows you to study Scripture and consult commentaries, devotionals, Bible dictionaries, and more—all from your computer, tablet, or phone.
The Theological Book Network strengthens the Majority World church by supporting Christian educational institutions with theological resources.
Theological Journal Library is a collection of 38 conservative, evangelical theological journals Now integrated with, allowing you to search and read journal articles within that study environment.
The Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN)
The Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) is a library of over 25,898 theological thesis and dissertation titles, representing research from as many as 153 different institutions. Titles may be ordered online through our search and order system.
Free Online Bible Resources
The Asbury Journal
The Asbury Journal publishes scholarly essays and book reviews written from a Wesleyan perspective.
Association of Religion Data Archives
The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) strives to democratize access to the best data on religion. Founded in 1997 as the American Religion Data Archive and going online in 1998, the initial archive was targeted at researchers interested in American religion. The targeted audience and the data collection have both greatly expanded since 1998, now including American and international collections and developing features for educators, journalists, religious congregations, and researchers. Data included in the ARDA are submitted by the foremost religion scholars and research centers in the world.
Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
One of the most useful and practical theological reference books in print, with bibliographies for most entries, further study is quite practical. Combined with the power of the Online Study Bible verse search, readers can locate theological concepts related to the scripture they are studying.
Bible Gateway is the largest free online Bible website for verse search and in-depth studies. Passage lookups and word searches are available in a number of translations and several languages. Includes footnotes and cross-references.
Bible Web App
An online Bible study portal
Chafer Theological Seminary Journal
The Chafer Theological Seminary Journal is a biannual publication. Its purpose is to share biblical exegesis and exposition with readers who are interested in in-depth Bible teaching.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
A storehouse of classic Christian writings. Research, read a good book, or study with a scripture passage and your choice of commentary open side-by-side. There is a minimal charge to download resources.
Christian History Institute
Christian History Institute (CHI) is a non-profit Pennsylvania corporation founded in 1982. We provide church history resources and self-study material. Our aim is to make Christian history a delight to the widest possible audience, using modern media such as video and the internet. We strive to make our output look good and communicate well while sticking to the facts.
Denver Journal: An Online Review of Current Biblical and Theological Studies
The Denver Journal is a review journal. It aims to include reviews of all recent and significant books and published media relating to the major fields of biblical and theological studies: Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, Systematic Theology, World Christianity, Pastoral Ministry and Evangelism, Counseling, Philosophy of Religion, Education Ministries and Administration, Homiletics and Speech, and Youth and Family Ministries.
Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
The Israel Museum has partnered with Google to provide researchers with searchable, high-resolution images of the Dead Sea Scrolls. As of September 2011, five scrolls have been digitized: The Great Isaiah Scroll, the Community Rule Scroll, the Commentary on Habakkuk Scroll, the Temple Scroll, and the War Scroll.
Free Bible study software with commentaries, dictionaries, and other supplements for Windows-based computers.
Harvard Divinity Bulletin
Harvard Divinity Bulletin has the goal of “preparing future scholars, ministers, and leaders across the professions according to a common intellectual rigor and with an emphasis on religious pluralism.”
Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry
The Baptist Center for Theology and Ministry exists to provide theological and ministerial resources to enrich and energize ministry in Baptist churches. Our goal is to bring together professors and practitioners to produce and apply these resources to Baptist life, politics, and ministry. The mission of the BCTM is to develop, preserve, and communicate the distinctive theological identity of Baptists.
Journal for Christian Theological Research
A distinctively Christian research organization in systematic and moral theology and related disciplines The society exists to promote and sustain fellowship and truth-seeking (fides quaerens intellectum) in theological reflection upon the Christian faith within the mainstream of the Christian tradition.
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (JHS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal established in 1996 to foster scholarly research on the Hebrew Bible, Ancient Israel’s History and cognate fields of studies.
Midwestern Journal of Theology
Midwestern Baptist Theological Institute Seminary and Bible College's library.
Precept Austin
An online source for Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, etc.
The Master's Seminary Journal
The Master’s Seminary exists to advance the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping godly men to be pastors and trainers of pastors.